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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

!! Stop This Abuse Of Dogs!!

~!! Alert Help these dogs !!~ This is bad! I could not believe our eyes! We need to unite and put an end to this!

First, see the link:


I saw this in the Admins of Catster and Dogster group mail. We joined the group in facebook! We watched the video, and we signed the petition titled "Stop Using Live Dogs as Shark Bait" and thought you might want to sign it, too. You can find it at:


Thank you for reading this!
Bonnie,Ashton and Dugen


  1. This makes me so sad and so pissed off. If I were a millionaire, I would find these people, and beat the crap out of them or pay someone else to do it, for abusing dogs or any animal for that fact.
    They better hope I don't win the lottery...lol

  2. I am with you, please sign the petition to stop this!

    Thank you,
    Bonnie, Dugen and Ashton
